Schlagwort-Archive: Electrohouse

Kunter:Bunt & Bugbear – Sample Surfer EP [KLANGEKSTASE005]


Watch the Klangekstase Release! We coming up next with a big package of solid tunes from young german Kunter:bunt and his jackin-friend Bugbear from Dusseldorf!
Enjoy the sounds from british female Producer Carbon Parlour, who is the owner of one of the hottest fidget labels in britain „bone idle records“, a fresh remix by irish KE-homie Campbell and our favourite talent Swerve, which build a big big big big big show with our stems! The Last track is a special one for us! It started as an experimental fun-work but we build it out and hope u like the killer ! Kunter:Bunt & Bugbear – Sample Surfer EP [KLANGEKSTASE005] weiterlesen