Schlagwort-Archive: Swerve Remix

Kunter:Bunt & Bugbear – Sample Surfer EP [KLANGEKSTASE005]


Watch the Klangekstase Release! We coming up next with a big package of solid tunes from young german Kunter:bunt and his jackin-friend Bugbear from Dusseldorf!
Enjoy the sounds from british female Producer Carbon Parlour, who is the owner of one of the hottest fidget labels in britain „bone idle records“, a fresh remix by irish KE-homie Campbell and our favourite talent Swerve, which build a big big big big big show with our stems! The Last track is a special one for us! It started as an experimental fun-work but we build it out and hope u like the killer ! Kunter:Bunt & Bugbear – Sample Surfer EP [KLANGEKSTASE005] weiterlesen


Hey Folks,

here we’re again and come with a brandnew Release from german kunter:bunt in boundle with a package of sick remixes from young talented british Swerve, german hailing Golden Toys and an original track from upcoming Tobias Nawrath with a jackin kunter:bunt Remix.
Don’t forget to listen to these tunes and play them live on your gigs, rock your gigs and bring the colors in your performance and show that music isn’t just a word. KUNTER:BUNT – KUNTERBUNT EP [KLANGEKSTASE004] weiterlesen